OrozDesign MG Apps

Yeah Mon Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
The Caribbean Entertainment Station - Soca,Calypso, Reggae, Latin, HipHop, R&B, Jazz, etc.www.yeahmonradio.com@yeahmonradio (Twitter)DescriptionThe Caribbean Entertainment Station - Soca, Calypso, Reggae, Latin,HipHop, R&B, Jazz, etc.Contacts: [email protected] - 678-778-3401 (Ren Gumbs)
Neo Jazz Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
NeoJazzRadio.com is a subsidy of it's parentcompany, Reach Media and Communications. Neo Jazz radio is a SmoothJazz Radio Platform presented in a new way. Neo Jazz Radio deliversthe best in Smooth Jazz as the main format with a touch of NeoSoul, Motivational Words of Encouragement and Spoken Word Poetry.Reach Media and Communications offers a maximum online presencefor the direct marketing of products and services to our localcommunity and worldwide. We offer a wide variety of servicesincluding access to telecommunications products, media exposure andentertainment including radio and having a presence at events andcommunity outreach programs globally to create an awareness andeducate individuals about their music choices and to educate ouryouth on music alternatives to move them away from listening tosome of the degrading music they have been exposed to. Neo JazzRadio gives enjoyable alternative of great music to listen to.Reach Media and Communication's efforts in their unique programmingand community outreach is providing teens and adults an outlet formusic that they may collectively enjoy. Neo Jazz Radio is hard atwork to ensure that your listening experience will keep you wantingmore as you have never heard a smooth jazz station like thisbefore.Neo Jazz Radio is unique in that we also air Spoken Word Poetryand a Daily Word of Encouragement each day. No other Smooth Jazzstation is doing this. Neo Jazz Radio is the first to bring yousmooth jazz like this in a new way. We are the first but not thelast! This is New ...Not Boring Jazz Radio. We are saving SmoothJazz One Listener at a Time!
Panhandle PC 1.2
OrozDesign MG
What we doHere at Panhandle PC we offer computer repair service inTallahassee and the surrounding areas. We are locally owned andoperated. From virus and spyware removal to upgrading your softwareand hardware. We can build your business or home network. Simplyput, we do it all.At some point there is an unseen, yet very real, line whererepairing your old pc makes less sense than a new computer. AtPanhandle PC we will tell you all of your options and let youdecide what option is best suited for your individual needs..
EUradiopinoy 2.0 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
We come from far flung places of ourcountrywith different walk of life. As Filipinos with deep respectandknown for their professionalism, hardworking and for our loveofMusic, symbolizes the IDENTITY of a true Pinoy.EUradiopinoy was established to Unite the Filipino people intheUnited Kingdom and the neighboring countries. To increasetheirawareness in the existence and goals of otherAssociations,Organizations and Clubs. We strongly supportsFilipinoOrganizations and its Activities. The Station isestablishing itsreputation of supporting our very own CelebrityArtist, Localtalents and Aspiring individual. This is alsodedicated to allFilipinos around the world who work tirelessly tosupport theirFamily and loved ones. EUradiopinoy will always beinvolve incharity works that will help our country andpeople.
Defining Popular Sound 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
Based in Columbus, Ohio and followingthepioneers of the radio and entertainment industry, DA NEEDLE andDPSSoul plan on separating themselves from other radio stations.How?By simply having better content and providing the listenerswith aunique listening experience. Whether its from live mixshows(withactual DJs) and mixes or our on- air personalities and theirshows,the Midwest and beyond will never be the same. So stay tunedandenjoy the ride.
Celestial Online Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
Celestial Online Radio first came on aironDecember 25,2013.We are broadcasting live from London.OUR AIM AND OBJECTIVE:• Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of Godthroughinspirational Music to every country all over theworld.• Reaching the heart of the people all over the world withthemessage of Hope, Faith, etc,• Promoting the song of Independent or celestiansgospel,noncelestian artists all over the world by Airplay theirmusic forfree of charge.What We DoWe spread God’s powerful word every day by AIRPLAY Gospel MusicofCelestians and and non celestians using the same medium tohelpthese artists promotes their songs all over the world.Our uniqueness from other Internet Radio Station is thatourlisteners can listen both on computers and mobile devices suchasipad, iphone, blackberry, tablets and Android supports.We aresoimpressed to see our listeners growing steadily everyday.Sound Of GospelCelestial Online Radio love playing anything that “SOUND GOSPEL”andINSPIRATIONAL PRAISE AND WORSHIP.We stream non-stop gospel songs 24/7. Our determination is towinmore souls to our Lord Jesus Christ.
First Online Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
We at First online radio are inexistence,Since July last year. The Ingredients of our success, AGreatteam, Great Sound Engineer & IT .Since we started we have worked with various charity's and intendtocontinue doing so. We have worked with various unsigned bands&artists. Speaking of which if your a upcomming band or artistsendus your music as we said from day one, If you spend the timeinsending it into us we will play it live on air.For More Information or Query's Look us up online andcontactus.http://www.firstonlineradio.com/
FL Tape Peru 1.0
OrozDesign MG
¿QUÉ ES LA CINTA FL TAPE?Es una cinta elástica FL TAPE autoadherible hecha a base defibrasde algodón y fácil de aplicar. Excelente herramientakinesiológicaque promueve las condiciones necesarias del organismopara unrápido proceso de recuperación o prevención de lesiones delcuerpo.Proporciona un apoyo externo sin restringir o limitarelmovimiento.Con la cinta FL TAPE llevas la terapia kinesiológica acasaactuando las 24 horas del día mientras permanece adherida alapiel.FÁCIL DE USARLa cinta FL TAPE está al alcance de todas las personas, sepuedeusar mientras realizas deporte, en la casa, oficina ydesarrollandootras actividades cotidianas, su diseño facilita suaplicación.Además contamos con instrucciones en nuestra Fan Page deFacebookcomo apoyo para conocer las distintas formas de aplicar lacinta FLTAPE en las diferentes partes del cuerpo.Es resistente al agua, permite la liberación de lahumedadfacilitando la transpiración, esto brinda cuidado a tupiel,conservando el mayor tiempo adherida, permitiendo realizar tuaseopersonal diario.WHAT IS THE TAPEFLTAPE?It is an elastic band FL TAPE autoadherible made from cottonfibersand easy to apply. Kinesiology excellent tool that promotesthebody the necessary conditions for rapid recovery process orbodyinjury prevention. It provides an external supportwithoutrestriction or limit movement.With the tape FL TAPE take home the kinesiology therapy acting24hours a day while remaining attached to the skin.EASY TO USEFL TAPE The tape is available to all people, can be used whiledoingsport, in the home, office and other daily activitiesdeveloped, itsdesign facilitates its application.We also have instructions on our Facebook Fan Page as supportforknowing the different ways to apply FL TAPE tape in differentpartsof the body.It is waterproof, allowing release of moisturefacilitatingperspiration, it provides care for your skin, retainingthe largestSpanish time, allowing make your daily grooming.
Miami Bass Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
Now you can listen to the best Miami BassRadiostations on your android phone.Hip Hop, R&B, Bass Music Radio App for your android, freemusic24\7! orwww.miamibasssradio.com
My Worship Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
My Worship radio is a christianstationbroadcasting songs 24/7 and 365 days. We broadcast indifferentlanguages of India. My worship radio is part of Grace ForIndiaMinistries. for more information, www.myworshipradio.com
LifeCom FM 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
Internet radio:Lifecom FM is a Christian radio station broadcasting 24 hours adayon the internet from studios in the United Kingdom. Our approachtoChristian broadcasting is innovative and our goal is toleveragethe internet as a medium for the free interchange of ideasandinformation. The internet provides an avenue for freedomofinformation that is often abused with destructive content.LifeCom FM’s objective is to leverage the internet tobroadcastgood, wholesome, life transforming Christian programmingto ourlisteners.God BlessFAQ'swhat is so different about LifeCom FM?LifeCom FM is different for a number of reasons.Firstly, we are committed to using the latest technologytobroadcast on the Internet. We believe the future lies onthisplatform as a new generation of Wi-Fi enabled devicesbecomeavailable.Can't we listen to your station's content elsewhere? And isn'ttheprogramming a little heavy on the American side?Of course, there will be some crossover with other stations intermsof music and teaching but we do think however that we haveloads offresh contents from established as well as up and comingartist andspeakers. Our station aims to be the launching pad fortalented newMotivation Speakers, Artist, Comedians, Teachers andmany others. Wehope that when they become renowned you would beable to say youfirst heard them on LifeCom FM.Music PolicyLifecom FM is fully compliant to all regulations and one of thoseisthat we cannot play more than two tracks back-to-back by thesameartist, or more than three within an hour. There arealsorestrictions on the number of tracks we can play from thesamealbum within a set time period. For this reason, you may findthatif you use the "request" facility on our site, we may not beableto play your choice for anything up to two hours. Despite thisweare certain of our ability to keep you fully entertained,engaged,encouraged, motivated, fired up and amused. STAY TUNED!
Virtual Reality 1.0
OrozDesign MG
CaesarOne-VR Israel has set itself thetargetto be comprehensive and definitive site on the subject ofvirtualreality and augmented reality.CaesarOne-VR Israel will offer products tested and conformtovirtual reality goggles best, purchase virtual realitygoggles-VRsample CaesarOne cheap prices for a quality product in aconvenientcheck upgraded.Also CaesarOne-VR Israel will present innovations andrelatedproducts such as audio systems and controllerscontrol.We CaesarOne-VR Israel take you on a journey into a parallelworldwhich is just across the lens and all of you are welcome toenterthe next chapter virtual reality technology.
Radio La Voz Del Aire 1.0
OrozDesign MG
EVANGELISTA HEBER AGUILARPresidente y Fundador de Radio PentecostesNaci en 1964 en una aldea del Departamento deMazatenangoSuchitepequez Guatemala, naci en un hogar cristianoPentecostes,creci en el evangelio, y estube por 8 años en elejercito militarfui especialista del ejercito de GuatemalaSoy el primero de 9 hijos, 6 varones y 3 hermosas hembras, porlagracias de Dios 5 en el ministerio, 2 hermanas son maestrasenTeologia Biblica, y pastoras de las Asamblea de Dios enGuatemala,la otra hermana es maestra de escuela dominical graduadaen elinstituto biblico, un hermano es pastor y es maestro enteologiabiblica y un tio hermano de mi madre tambien es pastor delaIglesia de Dios de la Profecia.
Joy Gospel Radio 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
AboutJoy Gospel Radio is an online gospel radio station featuringthebest in independent gospel music and today's leading gospelartist!Visit us online at www.joygospelradio.com @joygospelradioMissionTo Spread the Gospel of Jesus ChristCompany OverviewRhema Media, Inc.Joy Gospel RadioP.O. Box 616671Orlando, FL 32861-6671P:407-931-0066T:888-502-3550F:[email protected]
Radio Shalom Mexico 1.4.5
OrozDesign MG
Nuestra vision comoMinisterioEvangelistico.Establecer en el corazon de cada ser Humano, creado a imagendeNuestro Senor Jesucristo, un altar donde se adore y alabe a DiosenEspiritu y en Verdad, y ser una voz de esperanza para cuantasalmasnos sea posible alcanzar que camina en esta vida sinpropositoeterno, Tristes,Solos,enfermos con multiples necesidades ysin Diosni Salvacion.Tambien queremos alcanzar a los creyentes de buen corazon que sehanapartado de la Fe y guiarlos a una congregacion Biblica dondepuedanencontrar un oasis y verdadero refugio para sus almas. Alcuidado deun Pastor. Donde puedan recibir establecer y aplicarprincipiosBiblicos mismos que poseen los adoradores y creyentesfieles aDios.
A1R Psychic Radio 1.0
OrozDesign MG
Our psychic radio hosts have been onradiostations in the biggest cities in both the US & Canada(WLTW,Lite 106.7, New York City/CIRR 103.9 FM, Toronto just to nameafew.) We’ve been featured on national TV shows(NBCUniversal/Trisha Show & more) and more. Our advisers loveourcallers and strongly encourage you to call with your questions.Youmake the call… it doesn’t cost anything for the reading.Getanswers now.Call 888-454-2751 (ASK1) in North America or click the“AskAnything” graphic above. You make the phone call, everythingelseis free. A1R Psychic radio is Earth’s top psychic radionetworkwith good reason; great psychic radio 24/7 and totally freepsychicreadings from the industry’s cream of the crop, the mosttested andaccurate psychic advisers in the world.